Ruffling Republican Feathers


During its 20-year run, the ideacity conference broke ground on a lot of subject matter years before those topics became part of our everyday vernacular – subjects like AI, CRISPR and moonshots (literal and figurative). So it’s no surprise that even years after the fact a Talk can cause a stir. Case in point, Robert Kennedy Jr., the anti-vaxxer and environmental lawyer turned independent U.S. presidential candidate, has landed ideacity on the radar of Fox News. The outlet was reporting last week on ruffled feathers within Republican ranks after a clip from Kennedy’s 2005 Talk was circulated on X via the MAGA War Room account. Watch for yourself as, during his Talk mostly about environmental conservation, he comments about Republican-controlled ‘red states’ as having higher crime and teen pregnancy rates at that time.

A Class-ical Act


Internationally renowned concert pianist Daniel Vnukowski brings his passion and knowledge of classical music to…READ MORE »

Thriving & Surviving In Nature


Through his adventures as Survivorman, Les Stroud has been chased by a jaguar, lived through…READ MORE »

Adventurous Environmental Stewardship


Julie Angus had no rowing experience when she decided to pick up the oars and…READ MORE »

Predictions From A Food Futurist


Dr. Irwin Adam combines a background in engineering, biology and technology with passions for eating…READ MORE »