Predictions From A Food Futurist


Dr. Irwin Adam combines a background in engineering, biology and technology with passions for eating and design to create multi-sensorial food experiences. He says that your mouth is a tool to change the world, and is so by the choices you make about what you put in it. From insects as protein sources to better use of ALL parts of edible plants, there are ways to reduce the impact of animal farming and food waste. He talks about those things and so much more in his ideacity Talk. Be sure to stay until the end, when he serves up edible clouds to Moses.

A Class-ical Act


Internationally renowned concert pianist Daniel Vnukowski brings his passion and knowledge of classical music to…READ MORE »

Ruffling Republican Feathers


During its 20-year run, the ideacity conference broke ground on a lot of subject matter…READ MORE »

Thriving & Surviving In Nature


Through his adventures as Survivorman, Les Stroud has been chased by a jaguar, lived through…READ MORE »

Adventurous Environmental Stewardship


Julie Angus had no rowing experience when she decided to pick up the oars and…READ MORE »