Tim Linhart’s Ice Music


Tim Linhart is an ice sculpting artist and the originator of “Ice Music”. Over his 38 years of working with ice and snow as molding materials, he is most renowned for creating fully functioning ice instruments, ranging from violins and cellos to guitars and drums to a pipe organ. His road to success has been littered by, as is the case with so many innovators, failures. The instruments’ fragility in rising temperatures is the biggest issue. But he has designed the environment in which the beautiful, almost-ghostly instruments can be used for public concerts. It’s how he “gives life” to the ice. He joined us at ideacity in 2018 to explain how his ice artistry evolved

A Class-ical Act


Internationally renowned concert pianist Daniel Vnukowski brings his passion and knowledge of classical music to…READ MORE »

Ruffling Republican Feathers


During its 20-year run, the ideacity conference broke ground on a lot of subject matter…READ MORE »

Thriving & Surviving In Nature


Through his adventures as Survivorman, Les Stroud has been chased by a jaguar, lived through…READ MORE »

Adventurous Environmental Stewardship


Julie Angus had no rowing experience when she decided to pick up the oars and…READ MORE »