Dr. Aubrey de Grey – A Potential Cure for Aging

2008, Health & Longevity
Presented By: Dr. Aubrey de Grey

Biomedical aging researcher Aubrey de Grey describes the potential for Robust Human Rejuvenation therapies that can slow down the aging process and eventually allow people to live to 150 years. He says we have the solutions that can defeat aging by doing periodic preemptive repair and maintenance of molecular and cellular damage. The largest obstacle to this miracle intervention, he argues, is the resistance most of us feel towards the idea of life extension, because of fear of the unknown and the crushing emotional burden. He says “my heart is big enough” to handle it, and he’s working on it. His presentation is preceded by a brief talk by Michael Rae, member of the Calorie Restriction Society.

Carmela R. Abraham, PhD – Klotho: The Key to Longevity


Dr. Mark Liponis – Can Money Buy Health?


Wade Davis – Feeling great at 65


Libby Znaimer & Diane Francis – Surviving Cancer