Jeff Rubin

Jeff Rubin was the Chief Economist at CIBC World Markets for almost twenty years. He was one of the first economists to accurately predict soaring oil prices back in 2000 and is now one of the world’s most sought-after energy experts.

In 2009 Rubin resigned from his position at CIBC to write his best-seller Why Your World Is About To Get A Whole Lot Smaller, which argues that it wasn’t sub-prime mortgages but triple-digit oil prices that brought down the world economy. This came with the unpalatable message that we need to make fundamental changes in the way we live.

In his follow-up The End of Growth: But Is It All That Bad? Rubin argues that our current approaches to economic recovery are only digging us deeper into the hole, and that the only real solution is that we embrace the realities of a smaller and very different world to come.


Jeff Rubin on Peak Oil: Supply or Demand?

Jeff Rubin waxes philosophical on the need for a major paradigm shift in our attitudes, and suggests...