Charles Pachter

Charles Pachter

The Queen riding a moose. It’s hard to believe it was ever scandalous, but when Charles Pachter’s colourful Queen and Moose series of paintings was first exhibited in 1973, ripples went through the Art World.

Today, along with his famous depictions of the maple leaf flag, they are regarded affectionately as Canadian pop art icons and the artist is broadly recognized as a northern Warhol. One of Canada’s leading contemporary artists, Mr. Pachter is a painter, printmaker, sculptor, designer, lecturer and all-around “witty intellectual, historian, entrepreneur and lovable bon vivant,” according to the Globe and Mail.

His paintings hang in the Toronto Stock Exchange and in the Canadian Embassy in Washington. His muralHockey Knights in Canada highlights a Toronto subway station. Retrospective Pachter exhibitions have toured France and Germany, and an illustrated biography on Pachter and his work has been published by McClelland & Stewart.

A new edition of The Journals of Susanna Moodie, his celebrated collaboration with Margaret Atwood, was published in 2000.


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