Colette Baron-Reid

The Oracle, Intuition Expert & Bestselling Author

Colette Baron-Reid

Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed intuition expert, bestselling inspirational author published in 27 languages, keynote speaker, recording artist, and entrepreneur. In person or on paper, Colette delivers her message of perspective and hope with her trademarked compassionate candor peppered with a pinch of infectious personality. She’s known for her uncanny, laser-sharp, intuitive insights – she can bring audiences ranging from private clients to packed international auditoriums across 29 countries to laughter and tears. A bestselling author published in 27 languages and formerly featured Hay House author who’s toured the world – yes, that’s all Colette.


Colette Baron-Reid - Re-Evaluating Our Spiritual Preconceptions

As an intuitive counselor and author, Colette Baron-Reid encourages us to re-evaluate our preconceptions...

Colette Baron-Reid - Meditation Break

Colette Baron-Reid guides the ideacity audience though a meditation break.

Justin Gray & Colette Baron-Reid – Homage to Classical Indian Music with Intuitive Guided Meditation

Watch Justin Gray’s homage to classical Indian music, with intuitive guided meditation from...